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    On: 11 Ottobre 2020
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    Nomadica at LABA2021_1

    Nomadica is a network for experimental cinema and visual arts, aimed at promoting and circulating autonomous bodies of work.

    Nomadica è un circuito per il cinema sperimentale e d’artista, sostiene la creazione e la circolazione di opere autonome.

    SHHH X THE SOCIAL LIFE OF FILM 2024, Ostend, Belgium

    11 Settembre 2024

    SHHH X THE SOCIAL LIFE OF FILM 2024, Ostend, Belgium

    We are delighted to participate at the second edition of The Social Life of Film, an international gathering of nomadic film platforms and collectives from different corners of the world. Nomadica will be there with Tommaso Isabella.

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    A Lava step at any time

    21 Giugno 2024

    A Lava step at any time

    emulsions, ancient lavas, scratches and other volcanic experiences.
    in collaboration with MADEprogram – Accademia di Belle Arti, Siracusa + viaraffineria, Catania

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    STAR SPLITTER Gabriele Mitelli, Rob Mazurek MEDEA

    21 Maggio 2024

    STAR SPLITTER Gabriele Mitelli, Rob Mazurek MEDEA

    a film for Mitelli/Mazurek’s MEDEA by Giuseppe Spina
    Compositions by Gabriele Mitelli and Rob Mazurek
    may 21 2024 – We Insist! Records

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    Impressio in urbe #3 Brescia • Anteprima

    11 Maggio 2024

    Impressio in urbe #3 Brescia • Anteprima

    Bellaria Film Festival, 11 maggio 2024
    Il film riceve il premio BFF Gabbiano Oxilia X

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    Impressio#2 Siracusa • Anteprima

    9 Novembre 2023

    Impressio#2 Siracusa • Anteprima

    TORINO FILM FESTIVAL, 28/29/30 novembre 2023

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    Variazioni luminose nei cieli della città • Laterale FF on tour

    8 Novembre 2023

    Variazioni luminose nei cieli della città • Laterale FF on tour

    LATERALE ON TOUR • Sabato 18 novembre, ore 19:00, Bar Libreria KNULP, Trieste. Il programma comprende opere di:Richard Ashrowan, Alessandra Beltrame, Tânia Dinis, James Edmonds, Luca Ferri, Ross Meckfessel, Curtis Miller, Jeremy Moss, SJ. Ramir, Giuseppe Spina.

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    Dove vanno i vecchi dèi che il mondo ignora? –> screenings

    3 Marzo 2023

    Dove vanno i vecchi dèi che il mondo ignora?  –>  screenings

    Millennium Film Workshop, New York; Memorie del fuoco, Catania; Trento Film Festival; Cineteca di Bologna; Asolo Art Film Festival; INDEPENDENT FILM SHOW, Napoli

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    Torino Film Festival 2022

    27 Novembre 2022

    Torino Film Festival 2022

    Dove vanno i vecchi dèi che il mondo ignora? // Where do the old ignored gods go? – 27/28/29 Novembre 2022

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    Prospettica. Un atlante

    23 Agosto 2022

    Prospettica. Un atlante

    Una fantasia suonata con gli strumenti propri della natura, come stami e steli. Una volta di più i fiori percossi dal vento…
    Nomadica all’interno di *Prospettica. Un atlante*, Irpinia, 23/25 Agosto 2022

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    Machinalive, Brescia

    21 Aprile 2022

    Machinalive, Brescia

    MACHINALIVE is the living-machine that lives on universal laws and where the distance between artifice and Nature does not exist. It is the machine-of-the-world through which we can see every act of creation…
    Nomadica at LABA, Brescia, April 21/25, 2022

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    Weekend on the ground, Bologna

    29 Ottobre 2021

    Weekend on the ground, Bologna

    “…stiamo precipitando su una terra. Forse è un’isola? In quale strano territorio stiamo atterrando? Non abbiamo assolutamente idea di come siamo finiti qui…”.
    Un nuovo weekend di Nomadica, a Bologna, 29/31 Ott. 2021

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    Orfeo on the beach, Palermo

    13 Settembre 2021

    Orfeo on the beach, Palermo

    Carte blanche a ৺ ෴ ර ∇ ❃ ﹌﹌  e Nomadica all’interno della rassegna Orfeo on the Beach, presentata da Nuova Orfeo e MeNO, Palermo

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    Nomadica in Noisecapes, Matera

    23 Agosto 2021

    Nomadica in Noisecapes, Matera

    A Matera dal 26 al 29 agosto 2021, in parallelo al workshop 16mm organizzato da Làbbash / WARSHADFILM, Nomadica presenta un programma 16mm a cura di Riccardo Re.

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    Manfredo Manfredi, Premio alla carriera, Animaphix 2021

    23 Luglio 2021

    Manfredo Manfredi, Premio alla carriera, Animaphix 2021

    Il 27 luglio 2021, Animaphix – International Animated Film Festival di Bagheria, Palermo – assegnerà il Premio alla carriera a Manfredo Manfredi.

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    Nomadica at (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico

    1 Giugno 2021

    Nomadica at (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico

    Giugno 2021. Nomadica è ospite della dodicesima edizione di (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico , A Coruña, Spagna.

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    NOMADICA at LABA 2021

    12 Aprile 2021

    NOMADICA at LABA 2021

    Nomadica and LABA are launching a new curatorial project with a pedagogy that aims to identify new and stronger links between the arts and teaching and between cultural dissemination and collective reflection.

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    17th Animateka – International Animated Film Festival

    20 Novembre 2020

    17th Animateka – International Animated Film Festival

    Manfredo Manfredi’s Lo Spirito della Notte is among the animated shorts selected by Animateka’s international jury for the opening program …

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    10 films by Joseph Bernard

    16 Novembre 2020

    10 films by Joseph Bernard

    A special page about visual artist Joseph Bernard, a selection of 10 films made in the decade 1975/1985, with an essay by Phil Coldiron (2015)…

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    Dizionario dei luoghi comuni del cinema italiano

    9 Novembre 2020

    un testo sul nuovo libro di Alessio Galbiati.
    Capire Edizioni / Coriandoli – collana a cura di Francesco Selvi.

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    15° Montreal Underground Film Festival

    15 Settembre 2020

    “Luminous variations in the city skies” will be shown …

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    CROSSROADS 2020 – San Francisco Cinematheque

    13 Settembre 2020

    CROSSROADS 2020  – San Francisco Cinematheque

    “Luminous Variations in the city skies” in the CROSSROADS 2020  – San Francisco Cinematheque, a festival of artist-made film & video …

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    “Il Potere” di Augusto Tretti (1971), in streaming

    28 Marzo 2020

    “Il Potere” di Augusto Tretti (1971), in streaming

    Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin 2020

    26 Febbraio 2020

    “Luminous variations in the city skies” is part of the 2020 catalogue.

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    The Wish to be a Red Indian – Menomale, Bologna

    31 Gennaio 2020

    The Wish to be a Red Indian – Menomale, Bologna

    a film program curated by Riccardo Re …

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    Nomadica in Senses of Cinema’s World Poll 2019

    20 Gennaio 2020

    Stefano Miraglia includes two programs of Nomadica …

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    Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana

    16 Gennaio 2020

    a film program curated by Giulia Mazzone and Giuseppe …

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    Istanbul Int. Experimental Film Festival 2019

    15 Novembre 2019

    “from Earth to Sky”, a film program curated by…

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    Weekend on the Moon 2019 – Menomale, Bologna

    31 Ottobre 2019

    Weekend on the Moon 2019 – Menomale, Bologna

    From day to night, a kaleidoscopic program that follows a continuous…

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    The Unseen Festival 2019, Denver, USA

    24 Settembre 2019

    “Luminous variations in the city skies” in a program titled “Cosmic Noise”

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    Disorder Festival, InterZone – Parco Antiche Fornaci, Eboli

    20 Agosto 2019

    incontro e proiezioni con 70fps, Giulia Mazzone, Riccardo Re, …

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    Roger Deutsch, quattro racconti – Menomale, Bologna

    15 Maggio 2019

    Roger Deutsch, quattro racconti – Menomale, Bologna

    a special program by MOVIMCAT – The Moving Image Catalog

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    MOVIMCAT – The Moving Image Catalog

    8 Febbraio 2019

    MOVIMCAT – The Moving Image Catalog

    “Impressio in urbe #1” is part of MOVIMCAT – The Moving Image Catalog …

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    Interfilm • International Short Film Festival, Berlin

    24 Novembre 2018

    Interfilm • International Short Film Festival, Berlin

    Màcula’s premiere in Berlin …

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    Weekend with the Dead 2018 – Menomale, Bologna

    31 Ottobre 2018

    A weekend-long, non-stop marathon on the occasion of the “Day of the Dead” …

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    CINESAHEL, luci d’Africa a Ballarò – Palermo

    28 Settembre 2018


    a 6-day program dedicated to the african cinema …

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    ECRÃ Festival – Cinemateca do MAM, Rio de Janeiro

    17 Luglio 2018

    “The spirit of the night” by Manfredo Manfredi will be shown…

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    Animavì – Festival del cinema d’animazione poetico

    11 Luglio 2018

    Animavì – Festival del cinema d’animazione poetico

    anteprima: “Lo spirito della notte” di Manfredo Manfredi

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    Short Waves Festival 2018 – Poznan, Polonia

    22 Marzo 2018

    “Impressio in urbe (#1 Bologna)” will be shown…

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    Analogica Selection#7 – Menomale, Bologna

    10 Marzo 2018

    7 attempts of a contemporary cinema strongly attached to …

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    Filmforum 2018 – Kinemax, Gorizia

    2 Marzo 2018

    Il “Fondo Audiovisivo Nato Frascà” viene presentato …

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    Nomadica – Sicilia

    12 Febbraio 2017

    Nomadica – Sicilia

    sviluppato tra febbraio e marzo 2017, in 6 differenti città dell’isola. Incontri, proiezioni, workshop …

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    Homo sapiens, a film by Fiorella Mariani (open distribution)

    11 Febbraio 2017

    Homo sapiens, a film by Fiorella Mariani (open distribution)

    X workshop • Immagine ovvia e nuovo simbolo. Nato Frascà

    21 Novembre 2016

    giornata di studio in collaborazione con l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna…

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    IX workshop • Leonardo Carrano – Animaphix 2016, Palermo

    29 Luglio 2016

    IX workshop • Leonardo Carrano – Animaphix 2016, Palermo

    workshop di lavorazione su pellicola 35mm, con la collaborazione di Giuseppe Spina

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    VIII seminar • Pedro Costa – Menomale, Bologna

    23 Aprile 2016

    VIII seminar • Pedro Costa – Menomale, Bologna

    three days to fully understand his delicate world and his specific idea of cinema (partner Cineteca di Bologna) …

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    VII Incontro • Flavia Mastrella e Antonio Rezza – Bologna

    7 Aprile 2016

    VII Incontro • Flavia Mastrella e Antonio Rezza – Bologna

    incontro, proiezioni + Anelante a teatro …

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    VI workshop • Leonardo Carrano – Menomale, Bologna

    1 Aprile 2016

    VI workshop • Leonardo Carrano – Menomale, Bologna

    workshop di lavorazione su pellicola 35mm + proiezione Cineteca di Bologna

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    Festival Regards sur le Cinéma du Monde, Espace Saint Michel, Paris

    28 Gennaio 2016

    “Città-Stato” di Giuseppe Spina riceve la “Menzione speciale della giuria”

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    V incontro • Dimensione super8: Italia, 1965-2015

    5 Dicembre 2015

    V incontro • Dimensione super8: Italia, 1965-2015

    Giornata di incontri e proiezioni che riprende la mitica rassegna romana del 1975 …

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    Newsletter, 23novembre15

    23 Novembre 2015

    “Il caso Tretti”, “Metacinema” a Bologna, e altre news …

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    IV seminario • Un giorno a Monte Olimpino, Munari / Piccardo

    21 Novembre 2015

    IV seminario • Un giorno a Monte Olimpino, Munari / Piccardo

    il laboratorio di cinema di ricerca (1962/1972), incontro con Andrea Piccardo e proiezione dell’archivio dello Studio di Monte Olimpino …

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    24 Ottobre 2015


    L’opera dell’artista svizzero Hannes Schüpbach (1965) ruota da sempre intorno ai concetti di …

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    Capo d’Orlando 2015 (materiali della mostra)

    15 Settembre 2015

    interviste, scritti, video, fotografie dalle 5 giornate della Mostra …

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    Nomadica • Capo d’Orlando 2015

    30 Luglio 2015

    Nomadica • Capo d’Orlando 2015

    Dal 30 luglio al 3 agosto a Capo d’Orlando, la mostra itinerante per il cinema autonomo …

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    III Seminario _ Rinaldo Censi

    8 Maggio 2015

    III Seminario _ Rinaldo Censi

    festival, rassegne, gallerie – programmazione, selezione e cura – meccanismi di cui spesso il cineasta è vittima, in altri casi ne diviene il ri-autore …

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    II Seminario • Franco Piavoli. Verso l’alfabeto (perduto) della realtà

    10 Aprile 2015

    II Seminario • Franco Piavoli. Verso l’alfabeto (perduto) della realtà

    l’esperienza di Franco Piavoli è unica, così come la sua opera cinematografica (in collaborazione con Cineteca di Bologna) …

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    Newsletter, 2aprile15

    2 Aprile 2015

    “Lampi” un testo di Claudio Capanna, “Le sedie di Dio” un film di Jérôme Walter Gueguen, e altre news …

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    Jazz for a massacre – best film al LuccaFF 2015

    21 Marzo 2015

    Jazz for a massacre – best film al LuccaFF 2015

    JAZZ FOR A MASSACRE miglior cortometraggio sperimentale al Lucca Film Festival 2015 …

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    I Seminario • Enrico Ghezzi. Nulla a (che) vedere

    6 Marzo 2015

    I Seminario • Enrico Ghezzi. Nulla a (che) vedere

    perdersi dentro il pensiero del cinema e s-velare come esso diventi costantemente altro …

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    in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni – Roma 2015

    28 Gennaio 2015

    in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni – Roma 2015

    3 giornate in Sala Trevi (Roma) in collaborazione con “FUORI ORARIO cose (mai) viste” e “CINETECA NAZIONALE” …

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    Sala Nomadica @LabUS, Benevento

    14 Novembre 2014

    dal 9 Novembre 2014 al 25 gennaio, LabUS ospita per 9 domeniche eventi e autori proposti da Nomadica …

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    BANDITS-MAGES / RENCONTRES 2014 – Bourges, France

    11 Novembre 2014

    en présence de Giuseppe Spina et de Luca Ferri, carte blanche à Nomadica …

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    Nomadica • Capo d’Orlando, Agosto 2014

    20 Agosto 2014

    Nomadica • Capo d’Orlando, Agosto 2014

    dal 20 al 24 agosto, le molteplici entità artistiche che compongono Nomadica …

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    Savage Witches un film di Daniel Fawcett e Clara Pais

    28 Maggio 2014

    Savage Witches un film di Daniel Fawcett e Clara Pais

    Ultimo appuntamento della stagione con Nomadica a Bologna, presso la SalaNomadica|SpazioMenomale. Saranno presenti Daniel Fawcett e Clara Pais.

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    “IL TEMPO DELL’INIZIO” un film di Luigi Di Gianni

    21 Maggio 2014

    “IL TEMPO DELL’INIZIO” un film di Luigi Di Gianni

    SalaNomadica|SpazioMenomale, Bologna …

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    E’ morto Mario Garriba! [nov1944-dic2013]

    19 Marzo 2014

    E’ morto Mario Garriba! [nov1944-dic2013]

    Processo alla Nazione. Giuseppe Fava trent’anni dopo.

    6 Febbraio 2014

    Processo alla Nazione. Giuseppe Fava trent’anni dopo.

    Omaggio collettivo e itinerante in 12 appuntamenti tra cinema, giornalismo, teatro. Febbraio/Marzo 2014, Bologna

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    L’alfabeto perduto della realtà. Il cinema di Franco Piavoli

    22 Gennaio 2014

    L’alfabeto perduto della realtà. Il cinema di Franco Piavoli

    una retrospettiva itinerante (mai) completa sul cinema di Franco Piavoli …

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    Rassegnati! Rassegna per i non rassegnati • Magazzino Parallelo, Cesena

    6 Gennaio 2014

    Rassegnati! Rassegna per i non rassegnati • Magazzino Parallelo, Cesena

    a cura di Francesco Selvi ed Elena Prati, i lunedì di gennaio.

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    Sala Nomadica @Menomale, Bologna

    4 Dicembre 2013

    Sala Nomadica @Menomale, Bologna

    La Sala è un angolo dedicato al cinema e agli eventi di Nomadica. Ogni mercoledì da dicembre 2013 a maggio 2014. Tutte le date, gli incontri,…

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    5 Novembre 2013


    Omaggio al cinema di Augusto Tretti (1924-2013)

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    “La spensieratezza va stroncata alla nascita” • modo infoshop, Bologna

    26 Agosto 2013

    10 cortometraggi di Rezza/Mastrella + 3 corti di Selvi

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    metodi autonomi di fare e dare cinema • Cineteca Nazionale, Roma

    26 Gennaio 2013

    metodi autonomi di fare e dare cinema • Cineteca Nazionale, Roma

    vari modi di vedere, fare, costruire e perdersi nel cinema, fuori dagli schemi e (spesso) dagli schermi …

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    4 film • AMOFest – Antico Mercato Ortigia, Siracusa

    26 Dicembre 2012

    novembre 2012

    1 Novembre 2012

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese …

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    agosto 2012

    1 Agosto 2012

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese …

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    aprile 2012

    1 Aprile 2012

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese …

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    marzo 2012

    1 Marzo 2012

    marzo 2012

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese …

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    gennaio 2012

    1 Gennaio 2012

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese …

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    novembre 2011

    1 Novembre 2011

    novembre 2011

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese …

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    Lucca Film Festival – Cinema Centrale, Lucca

    6 Ottobre 2011

    Lucca Film Festival – Cinema Centrale, Lucca

    Città-STATO di Giuseppe Spina, al LFF 2011 …

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    Nomadica @Comune di Vallermosa (CA)

    1 Settembre 2011

    5 serate di proiezione a cura di Nomadica …

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    agosto 2011

    1 Agosto 2011

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese …

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    luglio 2011

    1 Luglio 2011

    luglio 2011

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese in Italia e Messico …

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    giugno 2011

    1 Giugno 2011

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese in Italia e Messico …

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    maggio 2011

    1 Maggio 2011

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese in Italia e Messico …

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    aprile 2011

    1 Aprile 2011

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese in streaming, in Italia e Messico …

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    marzo, 2011

    1 Marzo 2011

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese in streaming, in Italia e Messico …

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    febbraio 2011

    1 Febbraio 2011

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese in streaming, in Italia e Messico …

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    gennaio 2011

    1 Gennaio 2011

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese in streaming, in Italia e Messico …

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    dicembre 2010

    1 Dicembre 2010

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese in streaming, in Italia e Messico …

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    Ciudad de Mexico, dal 6 al 20 Novembre 2010

    6 Novembre 2010

    novembre 2010

    1 Novembre 2010

    le proiezioni e gli incontri in Francia (Semaine Asymetrique, Marseille), Italia e Messico …

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    NOMADICA MEX (2010 / 2011)

    30 Ottobre 2010

    NOMADICA MEX (2010 / 2011)

    un lungo viaggio di Nomadica in Messico. I programmi delle varie città …

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    ottobre 2010

    1 Ottobre 2010

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese in streaming e in Italia …

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    settembre 2010

    1 Settembre 2010

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese …

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    agosto 2010

    1 Agosto 2010

    le proiezioni e gli incontri del mese …

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    luglio 2010

    1 Luglio 2010

    10 giornate di proiezioni e incontri …

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    Festival Int. di Poesia, Museo Luzzati, Genova (+ altri appuntamenti)

    13 Giugno 2010

    Festival Int. di Poesia, Museo Luzzati, Genova (+ altri appuntamenti)

    Giuseppe Spina, Paolo Bonfiglio, Luciano Maggiore, Virginia Mori presenteranno il progetto “A-passo-d’uomo” …

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    2° Festival delle culture antifasciste, Bologna (e altre proiezioni)

    1 Maggio 2010

    2° Festival delle culture antifasciste, Bologna (e altre proiezioni)

    i 15 appuntamenti del mese di maggio …

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    in giro per l’Italia

    1 Aprile 2010

    in giro per l’Italia

    vari eventi e proiezioni in 8 realtà di tutta Italia

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    nomadica al Gridas, Scampia (NA)

    26 Marzo 2010

    nomadica al Gridas, Scampia (NA)

    dal Gridas (Gruppo di risveglio dal sonno), Scampia, Napoli

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  • weekend_

    On: 15 Settembre 2018
    In: Senza categoria
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    [versione italiana]

    A weekend-long, non-stop marathon on the occasion of the “Day of the Dead”; meetings and clashes, screenings and reactions, sounds and visions: dozens of international films’ and Italian premieres, a distillation of the most interesting contemporary experimentations.
    Seminars, focuses, Space itineraries – in various shapes and formats, from night to day and from day to night. Spazio Menomale, dug towards the centre of the earth, turns into an art gallery and a perpetual theater where you can sink, a perception room in which there is no time to find, filled with routes and crossroads that become – as always in Nomadica’s experience – the artwork itself, unique, displaced and displacing, irregular and not (always) screened-off. Underground chaos where “the everlasting shape of life” resides.


    THE PROGRAMME (from day ‘till night)


    h10.00 / 13.00
    Atelier • New Powerful Eyes

    h16.30 • BLOCK 1_ 47mn

    h17.30 • BLOCK 2_ 54mn

    h19.00 • FOCUS V

    h21.30 • BLOCK 3_ 54mn

    h22.30 • BLOCK 4_ 45mn

    h23.30 • BLOCK 5_ 39mn


    h10.00 / 13.00
    Atelier • Stories of vision

    h16.30 • BLOCK 4 rerun 45mn

    h17.30 • BLOCK 5 rerun 39mn

    h18.30 • BLOCK 6_ 40min

    h19.30 • FOCUS W

    h21.30 • BLOCK 1 rerun 47mn

    h22.30 • FOCUS X


    Breakfast with Cinéma Fragile

    h16.30 • BLOCK 3 rerun 54mn

    h17.30 • BLOCK 6 rerun 40mn

    h19.00 • FOCUS Y

    h20.00 • BLOCK 2 rerun 54mn

    h22.00 • (outer) SPACES

    h23.30 • ?????


    Breakfast with MOVIMCAT



    h20.30 – Cineteca di Bologna

    Out of programme – OOP
    h24 Spazio Menomale


    31 ottobre 2018 ore 20.30 Cineteca di Bologna
    Prima proiezione pubblica del film
    LA LUCINA un film di Fabio Badolato e Jonny Costantino, con Antonio Moresco e Giovanni Battista Ricciardi
    tratto dall’omonimo romanzo di Antonio Moresco
    Alla presenza dei registi e degli “esordienti” protagonisti.
    Vai alla pagina del film

    the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re

    Christopher Becks and Emmanuel Lefrant, I don’t think I can see an island
    France | 2016 | 4′ | 35mm to HD | ita premiere
    A Film of Symbolically Authentic Non-Euclidean Adventures.


    Luca Ferri, AB OVO
    Ita-Marocco | 2017 | 25’ | Super8 to HD
    In a desert and hostile paradise, between mountains of sand and solitary camels in perpetual journey, life is renewed with a promise of love in the shade of a lone tree. Adam and Eve have a chance. The last chance to heal and create a new progeny of more decent human beings. Nine long takes in super 8mm colour in which we took Adam and Eve and had them redo everything over again, from the scratch.


    Albert Alcoz, Espectro Cromatico
    Sp | 2015 | | 3’ | Super8 to HD | ita premiere
    Color Spectrum shows the comings and goings of passersby on a boardwalk. Multiple exposure and color filters transform human figures in ghostly presences of variable color shades.


    Stefano Miraglia, Rodez
    Fr | 2017 | 3’ | HD 4:3 | silent
    An exploration of the Rodez Cathedral. A study on colour, repetition and flickering, composed of 292 photographs.


    Stefano Miraglia, Ramusiana
    Fr | 2017 | 4′ | HD 4:3 | silent | ita premiere
    A universal map of the newly found part of the world. A homage to Italian geographer Giovanni Battista Ramusio.


    Stefano Miraglia, Anoche
    It-Uk | 2017 | 7’45’’ | HD 4:3 | sound | ita premiere
    Cuando Roma sea polvo, gemirá en la infinita
    noche de su palacio fétido el minotauro.
    When Rome is dust the Minotaur will moan
    Once more in the endless dark of its rank palace. – Jorge Luis Borges, La noche cíclica
    (in presence of the author)

    the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re

    Dan Browne, Palmerston blvd
    Can | 2017 | 15’ | 4K | ita premiere
    An intimate portrait of a bay window recorded over the course of a year. Gradual shifts in the interior and exterior environments mark the passing of the seasons, a slow dance of objects and light juxtaposed by the rapid speeds of bodies and the urban landscape, revealing the processes inherent in all things.


    Pietro Librizzi, Softman
    It | 2016 | 17’ | HD
    Two young men wake up and find difficult to take decisions under the comfort of shade and the tyranny of a beautiful sea.
    (in presence of the author)


    James Edmonds, Overland
    DEU | 2016 | 22’ | Super8 to HD
    Structured in three parts, Overland evokes an enigmatic landscape of forms, substances, creatures and memory through a hand-edited super8 colour collage of personal material shot over one year.

    the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re

    Nazli Dincel, Between regarding and use
    Turk | 2018 | 9’ | 16mm to HD | ita premiere
    “Exhibitons, whether of objects or people, are displays of the artifacts of our disciplines. They are for this reason also exhibits for those who make them, no matter what their ostensible subject. The first order of business is therefore to examine critically the conventions guiding ethnographic display…”
    B. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, 1998 • (in presence of the author)


    Mierien Coppens, Carry on
    Belgium | 2017 | 12’ | 16mm to HD | silent | ita premiere
    Individuals wait, silence is heard, a microscopic attention trough a tired mass. If the film is almost mute, it is because it focuses on silent figures, although their struggle is deafening.


    John Woodman, The separation
    UK | 2017 | 7’ | HD | silent | ita premiere
    THE SEPARATION is a reflection on light, duration and transformation. Filmed in one continuous take at a constant aperture, moonlight on the sea surface is intermittently revealed and obscured by clouds, presenting a reflexive and phenomenological viewing experience. The title refers metaphorically to Genesis.


    Takashi Makino, On generation and corruption
    Japan | 2017 | 26’ | HD | ita premiere
    Inspired from Aristotle’s “On Generation and Corruption”. After the screening at Athen (In Mute Festival 2015), I had important conversation about Aristotle with one of old lady from audience. We talked about materiality of Cinema. We also talked about the construction of cinema itself already has similarity of life and time. Cinema never exist. They just keep doing Generation and Corruption. The situation is also similar with the construction of life and civilization. Then I decided shooting this film. All of images were shot in Japan. Image will continue to repeat the appear and disappear like a infinity loop.

    the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re

    Mary Helena Clark, Delphi falls
    USA | 2016 | 20’ | HD | ita premiere
    In Delphi Falls, two youths wander through the woods, looking for a missing person. A tree falls without cause, a voice is thrown, the weather defies the season, unsettling the rational and linear trajectory of the feint of a story. Evoking the sci-fi genre, the film constantly shifts its point-of-view, blurring the distinctions between environment and self, grafting an interior space to the landscape.


    Marta Mateus, Farpões Baldios (Barbs, Wastelands)
    Port | 2017 | 25’ | HD | ita premiere
    In the end of the 19th century the peasants in Portugal started a courageous struggle for better work conditions. After generations of starving misery, the Carnation Revolution sowed the promise of an Agrarian Reform. Mostly in the Alentejo region, these rural workers occupied the huge proprieties where they were once submitted to the power of their Masters. Perhaps the lost seed of other fruits… It is said in Alentejo, when something is lost, those who are looking should start to walk back to the beginning. We must pray and ask Saint Lucy to clear our vision, so we can see and look better. The protagonists of this film, resistants of this struggle, many of them illiterate, working since childhood, tell their story to the youngsters of today, in their own words.

    the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re

    Helena Giron and Samuel M Delgado, Plus Ultra
    Span | 2017 | 13’ | 16mm to HD | ita premiere
    Plus Ultra is the motto of the Spanish state. This slogan was used to encourage navigators to conquer new lands, forgetting the warning from Greek mythology: Non Terrae Plus Ultra (There is no land beyond here). The Canary Islands — testing ground for the tactics utilized in the colonization of the Americas — becomes the setting for a tale about this land.


    Prantik Basu, Sakhisona
    India | 2017 | 26’ | 35mm to HD
    Near Mogulmari in West Bengal (India) lies a mound known locally as Sakhisona. The stories about it are still sung by local musicians. A dig nearby recently uncovered the remains of a monastery as well as some objects dating back to the 6th-century. The film shows the objects unearthed and re-enacts the folklore in fragments.

    the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re

    Azucena Losana, At your heels
    Argentina/Czech Rep | 2017 | 3’ | 16mm to HD | ita premiere
    A recurring dream where I keep on following his traces, always at his heels.


    Giuseppe Spina, Romnì (Wife)
    It | 2017 | 19’ | Hi8mm to HD | world premiere
    Years ago, a gypsy group of kosovan origin settled at the foot of Volcano Etna. This movie is an objet trouvé, a gypsy dance dedicated to a bride, a young woman who prepare herself to become wife and mother, center of a culture. A show without a show, full of details and life. (in presence of the author)


    Pablo Polanco and Pietro Bulgarelli, El hilo
    Chile | 2017 | 6’ | Super8 to HD | ita premiere
    An old seamstress’s recollections are woven into a dreamlike postcard in which the sea carries away a house, God takes in a child, and the burden of life shines through into a blindness in which the most sensitive organs are the hands that meticulously work the loom.


    Monica Saviron, Answer print
    USA | 2016 | 5’ | 16mm to HD | italian premiere
    “The fading that devastates color films occurs in the dark. It is accelerated by high temperatures and, to a lesser extent, relative humidity. Dye fading is irreversible. Once the dye images have faded, the information lost cannot be recovered” (Image Permanence Institute).
    Answer Print is made with deteriorated 16mm color stock, and it is meant to disappear over time. Neither hue nor sound has been manipulated in its analog reassembling. The soundtrack combines audio generated by silent double perforated celluloid, the optical tracks from sound films, and the tones produced by each of the filmmaker’s cuts when read by the projector. The shots are based on a 26-frame length: the distance in 16mm films with optical tracks between an image and its sound


    Jaione Camborda, A rapa das bestas
    Spagna | 2017 | 10’ | Super8 to HD | ita premiere
    A traditional, picturesque event that invites us to experience the intensity of a close combat between man and animal

    curated by Stefano Miraglia
    Travels, explorations, rhymes. Look, touch an object, meet an artist.

    Pauline Rigal, Montée de cimes
    Fr | 2018 | 7′ | HD | col | sound | italian premiere
    Diving into the interior of a small forest, up to its clearing at dusk, Montée de cimes (A treetop rising) catches sight of the disappearance of birds and stops at hollows left on tree trunks. Among these forms, like parietal images, the film questions our gaze and our perception of the distance that separates our body from the elements. The fauna and flora are just there, but their presence is fragile and fickle. Could the plane in the distance fall? Could the dewdrop slip off the leaf? Could the bird on the branch see us and fly away?


    Julio Fermepin, Corriente
    Ar | 2017 | 6′ | 16mm to HD | col | sound | italian premiere
    A fascinated gaze upon the exuberance of the Argentine province of Corrientes (Current) wanders through the Esteros del Iberá and the coasts of Empedrado. In its passing, it deposits attention on the overflow of life that surrounds everything.


    Pierre Voland, Galicia – Apuntamentos
    Fr-Es | 2018 | 3′ | Super8 to HD | col | sound | world premiere
    Discovered Santiago de Compostela and Finisterre with a single roll of film. A small, fragmented, postcard. A collection of impressions, unfolding on a song by San Paio de Antealtares sisters.


    Elsa Brès, Love Canal
    Fr | 2017 | 18′ | HD | col | sound | italian premiere
    300 million years ago, the north of France was a wetland. 140 years ago, a canal is dug and never filled with water. One day, vagabonds decide to go down an invisible river and pick on the way débris of a world to start a new one.


    Mauricio Freyre, A IS CID
    Es | 2017 | 9′ | Super8 to HD | col | sound | italian premiere
    An utopian project, an architectural prototype of a nomadic city that existed briefly for a few weeks. Built in community in 1971 in Ibiza, a redoubt of the counterculture of the time, passed unnoticed by the repression of the Franco dictatorship. Taking as an object of study two locations related to this history, the film superimposes different time scales to speculate on critical ways of transcribing history in a present of forms without utopias.


    Tinne Zenner, Nutsigassat
    Dk-Gl | 2018 | 20′ | 16mm to HD | col | sound | italian premiere
    “Go outside. The lovely mountains two, Sermitsiaq and Kingittorsuaq, look at them.” While the housing blocks carry a past of national diaspora, layers of snow cover a future development in the city of Nuuk, Greenland. The landscape acts as a scenery for collective nostalgia and industrial production, as the film studies glitches in translation of language and culture in a post-colonial modernity.


    Leandro Varela, La Señal Cósmica
    Ar | 2018 | 2′ | Super8 to HD | b&w | silent | world premiere
    The demonstration of a series of messages encoded on film format.

    (in presence of the authors Elsa Brès and Pauline Rigal)



    FOCUS W (70’) - Liquid Crystals
    curated by Tommaso Isabella
    A scientific time-lapse film on crystallization, a layered landscape study merging film and 3D animation, a desktop documentary about gold mines, virtual clouds and e-waste dumps, a digital meditation that delves into a sea of glitches. Four very different works as leaps between states of matter, approaching the indeterminacy that lies beneath ordinary distinctions such as natural and artificial, material and immaterial, production and disintegration, in an attempt to depict a reality continuously shaped by processes of abstraction and concretization.

    Jan Cornelis Mol, Kristallen en kleur
    Nl | 1930-35 | 9′ | col | 35mm to HD | silent (copy from EYE, restored in 2010)
    Jan Cornelis Mol specialized in shooting footage using the time-lapse technique: at intervals of fifteen minutes or more, he filmed budding plants or flowers so that the flowers seemed to bloom within a few seconds. Mol also experimented with sound and color systems and was one of the first to introduce optical sound on the amateur film format 16mm.
    Uit het rijk der kristallen is one of the most successful and fascinating scientific films made by Mol. The crystallization processes of various chemicals which are visible only through the microscope are shown using time-lapse acceleration at times. Mol worked several years on this film, producing different versions. The original black and white silent film was given a soundtrack in the 1930s, and he also produced a color version of the film, Kristallen in kleur. It partly made use of the Dufaycolor system. The film was not only screened at educational and scientific presentations, but also circulated in avant-garde circles. Filmliga considered it a good example of the ‘absolute film’ as it contains one of Mol’s trademarks, a fascination for abstraction. The work was screened at the Harlem branch of the Filmliga and also at Amsterdam’s Filmliga. In 1928 at a presentation at Studio 28 in Paris, the film was screened as a ‘triptyque’, with three projectors side by side.
    Our nitrate print of Kristallen in kleur had been preserved in 1996, but because colors played an important role, it was decided to try a new digital restoration to come closer to the hues of the nitrate print. That print was scanned with an Oxberry scanner at 2K. After grading, a new internegative and print were made. (Simona Monizza – Il cinema ritrovato)


    Tinne Zenner, Arrábida
    Port-Den | 2017 | 16′ | 16mm/HD to HD | col | sound
    A film centred on the production of landscape and concrete in the Arrábida Natural Park, Portugal. Covering a vast area of coast, caves, mountains and forest, the park is inhabited by a massive concrete factory that branches through the landscape. Documenting the various layers of the sourced material, the factory body and the constructed landscape, the film looks at how time is physically embedded in the matter and how the molecular particles act in a circular re-shaping of the whole. The film merges 16mm footage shot in the area of Arrábida with 3D animation of the topographic landscape as an equal analogue layer. Há só uma terra. There is only one earth.


    Louis Henderson, All That Is Solid
    Fr | 2014 | 15′ | HD | col | sound
    “All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.”A technographic study of e-recycling and neo-colonial mining filmed in the Agbogbloshie electronic waste ground in Accra and illegal gold mines of Ghana. The video constructs a mise-en-abyme as critique in order to dispel the capitalist myth of the immateriality of new technology – thus revealing the mineral weight with which the Cloud is grounded to its earthly origins.


    Jacques Perconte, Vingt-neuf minutes en mer
    Fr | 2016 | 29′ | HD | col | sound | ita premiere
    Saint-Valery-en-Caux, 2016
    À force de cette violence omniprésente voilà que l’image saigne. Mais le rouge ne reste pas à la surface de l’eau.
    A peaceful image transforms imperceptibly into a blood-red scene. Below the soothing waves of the sea, deep unrest simmers. Digital impressionism. An inner journey in our relationship with violence and memory, through a patient deconstruction of the image, set to the subtle sound of a never-ceasing wind.
    “It is a long and deep inner journey in our relationship with violence and memory. Digital moving images are made to maintain information stable. But we can break it. ” J. Perconte
    Other possibilities of the sea. Digital impressionism, expressed through a patient deconstruction of the image into moving colours, set to the subtle sound of a never-ceasing wind. The rocking motion, further emphasized by contemplating slowness, evokes a sense of the permanently changing waves.


    FOCUS X (112’) - Atomic Light Shadow Optics
    curated by Rinaldo Censi

    All this took about one minute. It was a series from bright to dark, and I had seen it. I am about the only guy who actually looked at the damn thing – the first Trinity test. Everybody else had dark glasses, and the people at six miles couldn’t see it because they were all told to lie on the floor. I’m probably the only guy who saw it with the human eye. (Richard P. Feynman, Los Alamos from Below — Reminiscences of 1943-1945)


    Robert Aldrich, Kiss Me Deadly
    USA |1955 | 106′

    Science fiction becomes pop sociology in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. And noir veers into apocalyptic sci-fi in Robert Aldrich’s 1955 masterpiece Kiss Me Deadly, which, briefly described, tracks one of the sleaziest, stupidest, most bru­tal detectives in American movies through a nocturnal, inexplicably violent labyrinth to a white-hot vision of cosmic annihilation. (Jim Hoberman)


    Tony Conrad, The Flicker
    USA | 1966 | 30’
    «I’ve always thought of The Flicker as a kind of bizarre science fiction movie, as a space that you can enter—in the way that you enter the narrative space of a regular Hollywood movie—and go floating off into some weird dimension, and then come back. I constructed the film very carefully so that you’re inexorably moved, very deliberately and very systematically, into an experience completely out of the ordinary, where perception is dramatically altered. If you look around the theater during The Flicker, you find that everything is somehow made strange».
    Tony Conrad. “On the Sixties”, in S. MacDonald, A Critical Cinema 5. Interviews with Independent Filmmakers, University of California Press, Berkeley / Los Angeles / London, 2006


    FOCUS Y (38’) - La Machine infernale
    curated by Alessio Galbiati
    Or three fragments on the concept of death and its representation. A selection of moving images, noncinematographic, concluded by a phantasmagoria by Georges Méliès to reflect around the limits of vision and representation.

    Mark LaGanga’s WTC 9/11 Video (Enhanced Video/Audio & Doubled FPS)
    USA | 2001-2018 | 29’ | CBS News
    Only 29 minutes passed between the two World Trade Center towers falling. Photojournalist Mark LaGanga captured the eerie scene up close


    Jon Rafman, A Man Digging
    USA | 2013 | 8’
    In Jon Rafman’s newest film, A Man Digging, a virtual flaneur undertakes an evocative journey through the uncanny spaces of video game massacres. In a re-visioning of the game Max Payne 3, Rafman radically transforms the role of the player. He now encounters the digital landscapes not as a numb fighter, but as a human who is touched by death and gore, even when it is rendered banal in its ubiquity. Divorced from their original context, the slaughtered bodies take on a dull, inarticulate violence that is disquieting. Through a film that becomes a de-sensationalized spectacle, Rafman confronts both the danger of passively aestheticizing the wreckage of the past, and the romantic fixation on death as a placeholder for meaning.


    Georges Méliès, Escamotage d’une dame au théâtre Robert – Houdin
    Fr | 1896 | 1′
    Un prestidigitateur recouvre une belle dame d’une nappe, exécute des passes magiques, enlève la nappe : la dame a disparu, à sa place un squelette. L’artiste repositionne la nappe, fait des passes, ôte à nouveau la nappe : la dame a reparu. Ils saluent de concert.


    (outer) SPACES itineraries (65’)*
    curated by Riccardo Re (inside “Space Itineraries”, section promoted by Menomale)

    Mauro Santini, VAGHE STELLE
    “Vaghe stelle” is a seven-chaptered film, conceived as a musical album and composed of seven movements, which can be watched singly (like songs), or in the established order (like a record) or also mixing the films creating new combinations or possible narrations.
    The ‘songs’ are seven as the principal stars of the Ursa Major. It will be a nocturnal wandering with the starry sky as a reference: an earthly pilgrimage looking for epiphanies or the drift of a hypothetical interstellar trip.

    ALKAID | Ita | 6′ | Color | 4K to HD | 2017
    MIZAR | Ita | 11′ | Color | 4K to HD | 2017 (italian premiere)
    ALIOTH | Ita | 5′ | Color | 4K to HD | 2017 (italian premiere)
    (in presence of the author)


    2013 | 16mm | color | silent | 4′ 00
    Lunar Almanac traces the observational points of the lunar cycle in a series of visual notations. Using single-frame and long-exposure photography, the unaltered, in-camera editing accumulates over 4000 layered field views of half-moons, new moons, and full moons. These lunar inscriptions flit across the screen with a frenetic energy, illuminating nocturnal reveries that pull at the tides as much as our dreams.

    Lawrence Jordan, Our lady of the sphere
    US | 1969 | col | sound | 10’ 00
    The mystical Lady with the orbital head moves through the carnival of life in a Surreal Adventure.

    Deborah Stratman, These blazeing starrs
    2011 | b&w | sound | 14′ 14
    Since comets have been recorded, they’ve augured catastrophe, messiahs, upheaval and end times. A short film about these meteoric ice-cored fireballs and their historic ties to divination that combines imagery of 15th-18th century European broadsides with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory footage.

    Cécile Fontaine, Spaced oddities
    Fr | 2004 | b&w | sound | 4′ 20
    Pictures from a black and white documentary on the life in fresh water, recomposed on the celluloïd ribbon by collage frames by frames to form new figures … repeating itself atregular intervals, like variations of a same motif.

    Robert Breer, Inner and outer space
    US | 1960 |col | sound / 5' 00

    Len Lye, Particles in space
    US | 1966 | b&w | sound | 4’ 00
    “PARTICLES IN SPACE (1979) grew out of the same calligraphic material as FREE RADICALS. As with its companion film, PARTICLES is concerned with the energy of movement – of shaping light in darkness, by scratching on the film surface. In this film, Len Lye focuses on “a smaller, more compact zizz of energy than I’d ever got before on film.” The rhythms of African drums again provide the musical counterpoint. “I thought FREE RADICALS as ‘definitively revised’ an almost unbelievably immense masterpiece (a brief epic) and that PARTICLES IN SPACE was its contemplative equivalent. COLOR CRY as great as I remembered it..” Stan Brakhage

    *Except for Mauro Santini’s Vaghe Stelle, all the screenings will be in 16mm and the films will be screened by Mirco Santi (Home Movies)

    New Powerful Eyes. A seminar with Flavio Fusi Pecci
    (an academic whose expertise ranges from stellar evolution to galaxies and cosmology, vice-president of the SAIt - Società Astronomica Italiana)).
    In the field of Astrophysics and Cosmology, one aspect in particular has influenced the evolution of our knowledge of the universe and its components: thanks to this, access to a "multi-frequency" (s.a. observation in gamma band, X, optic, infrared, and radio) and a "multi-messenger" (s.a. cosmic rays, neutrons, astroparticles, gravitational waves) approach was made possible.
    (inside “Space Itineraries”, promoted by Ass. Menomale in collaboration with SOFOS)

    Stories of vision. Art as school of senses (and sense) with Francesco Cattaneo
    (researcher and professor of Aesthetics, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna)
    What it means “to see”? And what role does the artistic vision play, in our being in the world? The seminary doesn’t aim to general definitions, but rather to develop encounters (and recounts), using specific philosophical, cinematographic, pictorial and literary experiences as catalysts for meditation.
    I’ll try, by this way, to bring out how our senses (in the double meaning that refers to sensitivity and significance), far from being reduced to something “natural”, require an uninterrupted exercise, especially in the terms of the “dissolution” referred to by Rimbaud.

    NOTA: To take part in the Atelier please enroll by sending an e-mail to: info@nomadica.eu

    Breakfast with Cinèma Fragile
    Francis Magnenot and Katia Viscogliosi, Primavera
    It - Fr | 2018 | 43’ | HD
    Primavera is composed of short cinematographic haïkaï written with a camera, in the spirit and rythm of the japanese poetry. It’s a cinema of the moment, minimalist, made with starving eyes, in constant search of what we are rich of, here and now. No subject but life: like if cinema should not be written, as it’s a way to write down things that happen.
    (in presence of the authors)

    Breakfast with MOVIMCAT
    Stefano Miraglia presents his curatorial project The Moving Image Catalog
    + collective rambling about the online dissemination of artists’ moving image

    Out of programme (OOP)

    AudioWebTeleVisionArchive _h16.30 / h24.00
    Different programs (without a program) of audio/video materials, web, television
    curated by Federico Epifanio, Giuseppe Spina, Tommaso Isabella, Elisa Cuter, Francesco Selvi, Alessio Galbiati

    Wunderground – central hall _h24
    The venue will host objects and works of any kind that anyone can bring and exhibit.
    A recollection of “ofrendas” will be in an home altar in honour of the dead.

    Space Itineraries #2 _ in girum… _h24
    An “urban – star” map will be donated to participants, to guide them through the discovery of “celestial things” through the streets and buildings of the city.

    PLEASE NOTE: *the program is divided into 6 blocks
    ** to take part in the Atelier please enroll by sending an e-mail to info@nomadica.eu
    *** The weekend with the dead has come true without any public or private funding, it is the result of the work (and pleasure) of researchers, academics and tens of filmmakers that offer their work without anything in return. Attendance is free and open to everyone, however a voluntary contribution is expected and appreciated





    PREVIEW. That the life can shine (screening and meeting)

    31 October, h20.30 - Cineteca di Bologna

    a film by Fabio Badolato and Jonny Costantino
    with Antonio Moresco and Giovanni Battista Ricciardi
    based on the homonym novel by Antonio Moresco
    First public screening of the film, in presence of the authors

    more info





    from 1 to 4 November– Spazio Menomale, Bologna
    "Weekend with the Dead" • an international selection of very different films
    [screening room 1 h4.00 pm / 02.00 am • screening room 2 h10.30 am /02.00 am • central hall h24]



    Section 1 [general programme – room 1]
    The principle behind this selection is not the showing of coherence between the works, much less the personal taste; it is about the heterogeneity of vision, in order to give back a faithful overview of the current – diversified – trend of contemporary experimentalism. The selection of film-makers that we will present took us to the most disparate countries, and through diametrically opposite dimensions of storytelling, we are looking forward to an unprecedented experience, generated from the clashing of their films and filled with unexpected echoes and vivid collisions. During the days of this exhibition, we ultimately hope to give our contribution to the breakage of the anachronism of meek visions, so that abnormality can become the rule and the viewer’s gaze can free itself from those very chains that prevent it from exploding. (curated by Giulia Mazzone, Riccardo Re, Giuseppe Spina)
    fotogramma da Delphi Falls, di Mary Helena Clark

    With films by :
    Albert Alcoz, Prantik Basu, Christopher Becks,
    Dan Browne, Pietro Bulgarelli, Jaione Camborda,
    Mary Helena Clark, Mierien Coppens, Samuel Delgado,
    Nazlı Dinçel, James Edmonds, Luca Ferri, Helena Giron,
    Emmanuel Lefrant, Pietro Librizzi, Azucena Losana,
    Francis Magnenot,Takashi Makino, Marta Mateus,
    Stefano Miraglia, Pablo Polanco, Monica Saviron,
    Giuseppe Spina, Katia Viscogliosi, John Woodman
    (all the films in this section will be screened twice in different days and times)





    Section 2 [multifocus, room 1]
    • Focus curated by Rinaldo Censi – Atomic Light (Shadow Optics) - with films by Robert Aldrich and Tony Conrad
    • Focus curated by Alessio Galbiati - The infernal Machine - with films by: Mark LaGanga, Jon Rafman and George Melies
    • Focus curated by Tommaso Isabella - Liquid Crystals - with films by: Jan Cornelius Mol, Louis Henderson, Tinne Zenner, Jacques Perconte
    • Focus curated by Stefano Miraglia - NOMADICA ODEPORICA PLASTICA - with films by: Pauline Rigal, Julio Fermepin, Pierre Voland, Elsa Brès, Mauricio Freyre, Leandro Varela, Tinne Zenner

    Section 3 [Space Itineraries#1, room 1]
    Space Itineraries #1 curated by Riccardo Re, promoted by Ass. Menomale
    With films by: Robert Breer, Cecile Fontaine, Larry Jordan, Len Lye, Fern Silva, Deborah Stratman - screenings on 16mm
    + Vaghe Stelle (Alkaid, Mizar, Alioth), by Mauro Santini














    Section 4 [Atelier – room 2]
    - 1 november, h10.00 am / h1.00 pm
    Seminar “New Powerful Eyes” with Flavio Fusi Pecci, academic and former director of the Astronomical Observatory of Bologna, an expert in stars evolution, galaxies, and cosmology.
    (promoted by Ass. Menomale in collaboration with SOFOS)
    - 2 November, h10.00am / h 1.00 pm
    Seminar "Stories of vision. Art as school of senses (and sense)" with Francesco Cattaneo, researcher and professor of Aesthetics, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies at the University of Bologna.
    What does ‘seeing mean’ what role does the artistic vision play in our being in the world? The seminar’s aim isn’t to advance general definitions, but rather to develop encounters (and recounts) by using specific philosophical, cinematographic, pictorial and literary experiences as catalysts for meditation. With this seminar, I’ll try to bring out how our senses (with its double meaning that refers to sensitivity and significance) require an uninterrupted exercise, especially in terms of “dissolution” (referred to by Rimbaud), and far from being reduced to something “natural”.
    - 3 November, h 10.00am / 11.30am
    Breakfast with MOVIMCAT: Stefano Miraglia presents his curatorial project The Moving Image Catalog + a gram collective rambling about the online dissemination of artists’ moving image

    Section 5 [AudioWebTeleVisionArchive – room 2]
    Different programs of audio/video materials, web, television
    by Federico Epifanio, Giuseppe Spina, Tommaso Isabella, Elisa Cuter, Francesco Selvi, Alessio Galbiati

    Section 6 [Wunderground – central hall]
    The venue will host objects and works of any kind that anyone can bring and exhibit. A recollection of "ofrendas" will be in an home altar in honour of the dead.

    Space Itineraries #2 (in girum…): Break away from the earth (promoted by Ass. Menomale)
    An "urban – star" map will be donated to participants, to guide them through the discovery of "celestial things" through the streets and buildings of the city.





    Associazione Menomale
    Rifrazioni. Dal cinema all’oltre
    Rapporto Confidenziale
    La Camera Ardente
    The Moving Image Catalog


    thanks to
    eye filmmuseum amsterdam
    Cineteca di Bologna


    #inthelightofdead #nomadica #everyonewiththeirownsaints #wunderground #breakawayfromthearth

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    Leonardo Carrano nasce a Roma nel 1958.
    Pittore e grafico, nel 1980 vince il premio Lubiam assegnatogli dal maestro Renato Guttuso. Dal 1992 si occupa di cinema d’animazione sperimentale; i suoi lavori, frutto della combinazione di tecniche e linguaggi diversi, tutti sperimentali e a metà strada fra astratto e referenziale, sono presto notati dalla critica e selezionati in importanti festival in Italia e all’estero (Venezia, Roma, Locarno, Annecy, Montreal, Parigi, Zagabria, ecc). Le sue animazioni sono state mandate in onda più volte in alcuni programmi RAI, “Blob cartoon” e Fuori Orario. Nel 1994 realizza per la Fininvest le scenografie virtuali del programma L’ANGELO. Nelle sue realizzazioni Carrano si è avvalso della collaborazione di compositori noti ed apprezzati come Sylvano Bussotti, Giorgio Battistelli, Ennio ed Andrea Morricone.

    Le ultime produzioni:

    [the page of the new film – MAY 2014]

    an animation film by Leonardo Carrano and Giuseppe Spina


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    Italia, 2013, 00:58:00
    di Leonardo Carrano

    Produzione 4K s.r.l.
    Distribuzione Nomadica e Mimesi’s Culture

    Aeterna è un film d’animazione sperimentale, che prende vita dalle sensazioni che ha suscitato nel suo autore, Leonardo Carrano, l’ascolto del Requiem di Mozart. Le parti della celebre Messa vengono interpretate attraverso 14 film che creano un insieme organico e variegato quanto a tecniche d’ animazione e linguaggi espressivi.
    “Il mio è stato un abbandono allo stupore progressivo che l’ascolto quotidiano del Requiem, per dodici anni (cinque di ascolto passivo e altri sette durante la realizzazione del film), ha suscitato in me e che via via ha preso forma nella mia opera, attraverso un processo prevalentemente onirico: l’atto creativo e il gesto tecnico-artistico sono scaturiti da ispirazioni multiple che attingono sia alla musica come pretesto, sia al mio vissuto che, inevitabilmente, ha permeato di sé un lavoro così lungo nel tempo.”  – Leonardo Carrano

    [Ciascuno dei film è stato realizzato con la collaborazione di un co-regista, che ha arricchito l’opera con la propria sensibilità e il proprio apporto artistico, culturale e tecnico:
    Mikulas Rachlik: Requiem Aeternam; Alessandro Pierattini: Kyrie, Rex Tremendae, Recordare, Domine Jesu, Agnus Dei; Ada Impallara: Dies Irae; Renato Flenghi: Tuba Mirum; Luca Zoppi: Confutatis; Silvio Giorcelli: Lacrimosa, Sanctus; Luca Romani: Hostias; Alberto Antonio Dandolo: Benedictus; Alain Parroni: Lux Aeterna]

    «Aeterna di Leonardo Carrano è un’opera straordinaria,unica, eccezionale.
    Il Requiem di Mozart è esaltato dalle invenzioni di immagini dove appare un mondo più alto di noi…». (Ennio Morricone)

    «Aeterna è un’opera straordinaria, unica, eccezionale. Il Requiem di Mozart è esaltato dalle
    invenzioni di immagini dove appare un mondo più alto di noi…» (Ennio Morricone)

    «Aeterna è immagine in movimento che si fa memento, che rende visibile l’invisibile pur
    mettendo in scena l’impossibilità stessa di raccontare la morte.» (Bruno Di Marino)

    «Una pazza giocosa inconsapevolezza non tanto di giocare a fare Dio ma di giocare a essere l’ala
    di una farfalla, una porzione minima che un soffio sembrerebbe poter scompaginare. … alcune
    delle immagini più forti sono quelle che durano mezzo secondo, e che tu non puoi non sentire
    in quel momento, quando si sta disperdendo un lavoro così colossale. Come se lì fossero celate
    più che manifestate delle tracce di qualsiasi grande artista.» (Enrico Ghezzi)

    «È il film di una vita, è un capolavoro rispetto ad un altro capolavoro.» (Giannalberto Bendazzi)


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    On: 10 Giugno 2013
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