A weekend-long, non-stop marathon on the occasion of the “Day of the Dead”; meetings and clashes, screenings and reactions, sounds and visions: dozens of international films’ and Italian premieres, a distillation of the most interesting contemporary experimentations.
Seminars, focuses, Space itineraries – in various shapes and formats, from night to day and from day to night. Spazio Menomale, dug towards the centre of the earth, turns into an art gallery and a perpetual theater where you can sink, a perception room in which there is no time to find, filled with routes and crossroads that become – as always in Nomadica’s experience – the artwork itself, unique, displaced and displacing, irregular and not (always) screened-off. Underground chaos where “the everlasting shape of life” resides.
THE PROGRAMME (from day ‘till night)
h10.00 / 13.00
Atelier • New Powerful Eyes
h16.30 • BLOCK 1_ 47mn
h17.30 • BLOCK 2_ 54mn
h19.00 • FOCUS V
h21.30 • BLOCK 3_ 54mn
h22.30 • BLOCK 4_ 45mn
h23.30 • BLOCK 5_ 39mn
h10.00 / 13.00
Atelier • Stories of vision
h16.30 • BLOCK 4 rerun 45mn
h17.30 • BLOCK 5 rerun 39mn
h18.30 • BLOCK 6_ 40min
h19.30 • FOCUS W
h21.30 • BLOCK 1 rerun 47mn
h22.30 • FOCUS X
Breakfast with Cinéma Fragile
h16.30 • BLOCK 3 rerun 54mn
h17.30 • BLOCK 6 rerun 40mn
h19.00 • FOCUS Y
h20.00 • BLOCK 2 rerun 54mn
h22.00 • (outer) SPACES
h23.30 • ?????
Breakfast with MOVIMCAT
h20.30 – Cineteca di Bologna
Out of programme – OOP
h24 Spazio Menomale
31 ottobre 2018 ore 20.30 Cineteca di Bologna
Prima proiezione pubblica del film
LA LUCINA un film di Fabio Badolato e Jonny Costantino, con Antonio Moresco e Giovanni Battista Ricciardi
tratto dall’omonimo romanzo di Antonio Moresco
Alla presenza dei registi e degli “esordienti” protagonisti.
Vai alla pagina del film
the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re
the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re
the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re
the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re
the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re
the general program, curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re
(in presence of the authors Elsa Brès and Pauline Rigal)
FOCUS W (70’) - Liquid Crystals
curated by Tommaso Isabella
A scientific time-lapse film on crystallization, a layered landscape study merging film and 3D animation, a desktop documentary about gold mines, virtual clouds and e-waste dumps, a digital meditation that delves into a sea of glitches. Four very different works as leaps between states of matter, approaching the indeterminacy that lies beneath ordinary distinctions such as natural and artificial, material and immaterial, production and disintegration, in an attempt to depict a reality continuously shaped by processes of abstraction and concretization.
Science fiction becomes pop sociology in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. And noir veers into apocalyptic sci-fi in Robert Aldrich’s 1955 masterpiece Kiss Me Deadly, which, briefly described, tracks one of the sleaziest, stupidest, most brutal detectives in American movies through a nocturnal, inexplicably violent labyrinth to a white-hot vision of cosmic annihilation. (Jim Hoberman)
Robert Breer, Inner and outer space
US | 1960 |col | sound / 5' 00
*Except for Mauro Santini’s Vaghe Stelle, all the screenings will be in 16mm and the films will be screened by Mirco Santi (Home Movies)
New Powerful Eyes. A seminar with Flavio Fusi Pecci
(an academic whose expertise ranges from stellar evolution to galaxies and cosmology, vice-president of the SAIt - Società Astronomica Italiana)).
In the field of Astrophysics and Cosmology, one aspect in particular has influenced the evolution of our knowledge of the universe and its components: thanks to this, access to a "multi-frequency" (s.a. observation in gamma band, X, optic, infrared, and radio) and a "multi-messenger" (s.a. cosmic rays, neutrons, astroparticles, gravitational waves) approach was made possible.
(inside “Space Itineraries”, promoted by Ass. Menomale in collaboration with SOFOS)
Stories of vision. Art as school of senses (and sense) with Francesco Cattaneo
(researcher and professor of Aesthetics, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna)
What it means “to see”? And what role does the artistic vision play, in our being in the world? The seminary doesn’t aim to general definitions, but rather to develop encounters (and recounts), using specific philosophical, cinematographic, pictorial and literary experiences as catalysts for meditation.
I’ll try, by this way, to bring out how our senses (in the double meaning that refers to sensitivity and significance), far from being reduced to something “natural”, require an uninterrupted exercise, especially in the terms of the “dissolution” referred to by Rimbaud.
NOTA: To take part in the Atelier please enroll by sending an e-mail to: info@nomadica.eu
Breakfast with Cinèma Fragile
Francis Magnenot and Katia Viscogliosi, Primavera
It - Fr | 2018 | 43’ | HD
Primavera is composed of short cinematographic haïkaï written with a camera, in the spirit and rythm of the japanese poetry. It’s a cinema of the moment, minimalist, made with starving eyes, in constant search of what we are rich of, here and now. No subject but life: like if cinema should not be written, as it’s a way to write down things that happen.
(in presence of the authors)
Breakfast with MOVIMCAT
Stefano Miraglia presents his curatorial project The Moving Image Catalog
+ collective rambling about the online dissemination of artists’ moving image
Out of programme (OOP)
AudioWebTeleVisionArchive _h16.30 / h24.00
Different programs (without a program) of audio/video materials, web, television
curated by Federico Epifanio, Giuseppe Spina, Tommaso Isabella, Elisa Cuter, Francesco Selvi, Alessio Galbiati
Wunderground – central hall _h24
The venue will host objects and works of any kind that anyone can bring and exhibit.
A recollection of “ofrendas” will be in an home altar in honour of the dead.
Space Itineraries #2 _ in girum… _h24
An “urban – star” map will be donated to participants, to guide them through the discovery of “celestial things” through the streets and buildings of the city.
PLEASE NOTE: *the program is divided into 6 blocks
** to take part in the Atelier please enroll by sending an e-mail to info@nomadica.eu
*** The weekend with the dead has come true without any public or private funding, it is the result of the work (and pleasure) of researchers, academics and tens of filmmakers that offer their work without anything in return. Attendance is free and open to everyone, however a voluntary contribution is expected and appreciated
PREVIEW. That the life can shine (screening and meeting)
31 October, h20.30 - Cineteca di Bologna
a film by Fabio Badolato and Jonny Costantino
with Antonio Moresco and Giovanni Battista Ricciardi
based on the homonym novel by Antonio Moresco
First public screening of the film, in presence of the authors
from 1 to 4 November– Spazio Menomale, Bologna
"Weekend with the Dead" • an international selection of very different films
[screening room 1 h4.00 pm / 02.00 am • screening room 2 h10.30 am /02.00 am • central hall h24]
Section 1 [general programme – room 1]
The principle behind this selection is not the showing of coherence between the works, much less the personal taste; it is about the heterogeneity of vision, in order to give back a faithful overview of the current – diversified – trend of contemporary experimentalism. The selection of film-makers that we will present took us to the most disparate countries, and through diametrically opposite dimensions of storytelling, we are looking forward to an unprecedented experience, generated from the clashing of their films and filled with unexpected echoes and vivid collisions. During the days of this exhibition, we ultimately hope to give our contribution to the breakage of the anachronism of meek visions, so that abnormality can become the rule and the viewer’s gaze can free itself from those very chains that prevent it from exploding. (curated by Giulia Mazzone, Riccardo Re, Giuseppe Spina)
With films by :
Albert Alcoz, Prantik Basu, Christopher Becks,
Dan Browne, Pietro Bulgarelli, Jaione Camborda,
Mary Helena Clark, Mierien Coppens, Samuel Delgado,
Nazlı Dinçel, James Edmonds, Luca Ferri, Helena Giron,
Emmanuel Lefrant, Pietro Librizzi, Azucena Losana,
Francis Magnenot,Takashi Makino, Marta Mateus,
Stefano Miraglia, Pablo Polanco, Monica Saviron,
Giuseppe Spina, Katia Viscogliosi, John Woodman
(all the films in this section will be screened twice in different days and times)
Section 2 [multifocus, room 1]
• Focus curated by Rinaldo Censi – Atomic Light (Shadow Optics) - with films by Robert Aldrich and Tony Conrad
• Focus curated by Alessio Galbiati - The infernal Machine - with films by: Mark LaGanga, Jon Rafman and George Melies
• Focus curated by Tommaso Isabella - Liquid Crystals - with films by: Jan Cornelius Mol, Louis Henderson, Tinne Zenner, Jacques Perconte
• Focus curated by Stefano Miraglia - NOMADICA ODEPORICA PLASTICA - with films by: Pauline Rigal, Julio Fermepin, Pierre Voland, Elsa Brès, Mauricio Freyre, Leandro Varela, Tinne Zenner
Section 3 [Space Itineraries#1, room 1]
Space Itineraries #1 curated by Riccardo Re, promoted by Ass. Menomale
With films by: Robert Breer, Cecile Fontaine, Larry Jordan, Len Lye, Fern Silva, Deborah Stratman - screenings on 16mm
+ Vaghe Stelle (Alkaid, Mizar, Alioth), by Mauro Santini
Section 4 [Atelier – room 2]
- 1 november, h10.00 am / h1.00 pm
Seminar “New Powerful Eyes” with Flavio Fusi Pecci, academic and former director of the Astronomical Observatory of Bologna, an expert in stars evolution, galaxies, and cosmology.
(promoted by Ass. Menomale in collaboration with SOFOS)
- 2 November, h10.00am / h 1.00 pm
Seminar "Stories of vision. Art as school of senses (and sense)" with Francesco Cattaneo, researcher and professor of Aesthetics, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies at the University of Bologna.
What does ‘seeing mean’ what role does the artistic vision play in our being in the world? The seminar’s aim isn’t to advance general definitions, but rather to develop encounters (and recounts) by using specific philosophical, cinematographic, pictorial and literary experiences as catalysts for meditation. With this seminar, I’ll try to bring out how our senses (with its double meaning that refers to sensitivity and significance) require an uninterrupted exercise, especially in terms of “dissolution” (referred to by Rimbaud), and far from being reduced to something “natural”.
- 3 November, h 10.00am / 11.30am
Breakfast with MOVIMCAT: Stefano Miraglia presents his curatorial project The Moving Image Catalog + a gram collective rambling about the online dissemination of artists’ moving image
Section 5 [AudioWebTeleVisionArchive – room 2]
Different programs of audio/video materials, web, television
by Federico Epifanio, Giuseppe Spina, Tommaso Isabella, Elisa Cuter, Francesco Selvi, Alessio Galbiati
Section 6 [Wunderground – central hall]
The venue will host objects and works of any kind that anyone can bring and exhibit. A recollection of "ofrendas" will be in an home altar in honour of the dead.
Space Itineraries #2 (in girum…): Break away from the earth (promoted by Ass. Menomale)
An "urban – star" map will be donated to participants, to guide them through the discovery of "celestial things" through the streets and buildings of the city.
Associazione Menomale
Rifrazioni. Dal cinema all’oltre
Rapporto Confidenziale
La Camera Ardente
The Moving Image Catalog
thanks to
eye filmmuseum amsterdam
Cineteca di Bologna
#inthelightofdead #nomadica #everyonewiththeirownsaints #wunderground #breakawayfromthearth
© 2010 NOMADICA | per il cinema autonomo